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Faces of the World:

Adam Zetter travels the world, photographing the everyday lives and interactions of the people he meets. He isn’t interested in 4 Star Resorts or noisy tourist nightclubs. He is on a mission to capture a slice of a world most of us will never see, the ordinary lives and stories of people around the globe; His images include a startling variety of places and peoples; from native farmers high in the Andes, to nomadic Bushmen in Tanzania, Chinese field workers, a flea market salesman in Piccadilly, to everyday families, or a fishing camp on a tiny waterless island off Mexico.

It isn’t poverty that fascinates him, though many of these people are poor by our standards. It is an unheralded dignity, the variety of lifestyles and possibilities that we often forget or reject in our homogenized global way of being. The far away peoples, those who don’t know or care for our way of life, own a certainty many of us yearn for. Perhaps because some live close to the edge, hunger and joy never being far removed; maybe this allows them to savor life in every moment.  To be alive, to be free, too maintain dignity, to eat and laugh with friends is more than enough. It’s a world where the destination, the end that awaits us all, is far less important than the journey. That’s what Adam captures, life and spirit and circumstance, without pose or false pride. Not poor people, but grounded people, everyday people with an innate grasp of the true and meaningful. He likes to say he captures a moment in time at 1/125th of a second. Let his images capture your heart and imagination, at a more leisurely pace.

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